Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
Artigo Original – Special issue Tribute to Dr. Wilson Luiz Guesser

Cast iron plasma nitriding in N2 /H2 /Ar working gas: the role of auxiliary gases (H2 /Ar) in the growing kinetics of compound layers

Luís César Fontana, David Pascoal Sudaia, Abel André Cândido Recco, André Olah Neto, Paulo César Borges, Wilson Luiz Guesser

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Present paper sets out to investigate the role of N2 /H2 /Ar working gas in plasma nitriding of nodular cast iron. The proportion of N2 /H2 /Ar proved to be a relevant parameter in the growing kinetics control of the γ’-Fe4 N e ε-Fe3 N compound layers. X-ray diffraction and optical microscopy were used in order to characterize the compound layers. Results indicate that there are no generation of compound layers if the treatment is performed through plasma of pure N2 . However, even small percentages (~10%) of auxiliary gases (H2 /Ar), added to the working gas, are enough to generate compound layers as thick as 10µm (at 500 °C, and 3,0 h). In addition, it is possible to obtain γ’-Fe4 N monophasic compound layer when the nitriding process is carried out in low proportion of nitrogen in the N2 /H2 /Ar working gas mixture.


Plasma nitriding; Nodular cast iron; Working gas.


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