Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
Artigo Original – Special Issue 75th ABM Annual Congress - PART I

Developments in separation by sorting

Arthur Pinto Chave

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This article presents a review of the evolution of the sorting process in recent years. The process is no longer exclusively dependent on optical properties. The old sorting practice and the modern equipment are described. Different properties such as shape, natural radiation, laser and X-ray fluorescence, gamma and infrared rays absorption, magnetic resonance used today are introduced. Analytical methods processed in real time are also used. The use of artificial intelligence, instrumentation and computation makes sorting today a very trustworthy and sophisticated separation method. It is performed dry. Its great limitation is processing capacity, but manufacturers are making efforts to overcome this limitation.


Sorting, Optical, Shape; Other Properties.


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