Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração
Artigo Original – Special Issue 75th ABM Annual Congress - PART I

An investigation on galvanic corrosion in frictionstir-welded AA 5083 aluminum alloy

Eduardo Antunes Duda, Sabrina da Silva Soares, Diogo Trento Buzzatti, Guilherme Vieira Braga Lemos, Tárique Hernandez Schneider, Henrique Ribeiro Piaggio Cardoso, Tiago Falcade, Afonso Reguly

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Friction-stir welding (FSW) is a well-known solid-state technology for manufacturing high-quality aluminum welds. However, corrosion may become an issue due to the changes in the microstructure within the stir zone, perhaps creating a local galvanic couple. In this work, AA 5083-O aluminum plates were joined by FSW, and corrosion analyzes were undertaken. Therefore, corrosion behavior was investigated using an immersion test, open circuit potential (OCP), and zeroresistance ammeter (ZRA) measurements. The stirred material was found to be more resistant to pitting nucleation than the AA5083-O alloy base material on immersion test and OCP analyzes. Nevertheless, deeper pits were more significant in the stirred material. The ZRA test showed similar results for both regions, indicating this system’s low galvanic couple effect.


Friction-stir welding; AA 5083-O; Corrosion; Immersion test; Open circuit potential; Zero-resistance ammeter


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